President's Corner
Welcome to South Bay AMWA 2018
Welcome to the new and improved South Bay AMWA website! We are excited to share many different events with you this year, including monthly dinner meeting, special events such as hiking and wine tasting, and of course our yearly holiday party on December 4th, 2018.
South Bay AMWA is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to expanding the reach of women in our medical community. Our monthly meetings offer a great opportunity for networking as well as education. Membership dues are $175 for 1 calendar year.
Please feel free to contact us at with any questions you may have.
All the best,
Jane Chen, MD
Katie Nelson, MD
Co-Presidents of South Bay AMWA
Dear Fellow South Bay AMWA members,
Happy New Year 2017!
Dear South Bay AMWA members,
Welcome to the new year! This will be an exciting year with a new president-elect, a new agenda about health care in Congress! As South Bay AMWA continues to meet and network, let us remember to be first and foremost, advocates for our patients.
Please join and our dues are $135 for one year and $250 for two years.
Also, Mark your calendar National American Medical Women's Association is meeting in San Francisco! March 30 to April 2, 2017.
go google them at " American Medical Women's Association"
Hope to see you there!
Dipa Patel, MD
President of South Bay AMWA
Happy Winter 2015!
Save the Date for December 2015 Winter Holiday Party
We welcome any suggestions for Booth Sponsorships. Please direct any inquiries to me, Gloria Wu or our Vice President, Tripty Gandhi.
Happy Winter!
Gloria Wu, M.D.
President of South Bay AMWA
Ophthalmology and Retina-Vitreous, FAAO
Summer 2014
Dear Fellow South Bay AMWA members,
Whew-- Summer is here! School is out and we can kick back a bit!
We have had overflows at our meetings. Please RSVP early since we tend to be sold out! This is a good problem to have for an organization!
For July 28, we will be discussing lumbosacral issues and treatment options, medical and surgical by Dr. Jeffrey Coe and associates. The meeting will be at Maggiano's, San Jose. RSVP early!
August 14 is a social meeting. It is a meet and greet! Dio Deka, Los Gatos.
September is a very busy month for back to school nights and the celebrations for Rosh Hashanah and the observance of Yom Kippur. We will skip this month and have two meetings in October!
Thank you for your continued enthusiasm for South Bay AMWA!
Gloria Wu, M.D.
President of South Bay AMWA
Ophthalmology and Retina-Vitreous, FAAO
Spring 2014
Dear Fellow South Bay AMWA members,
Welcome to Spring!
We have had record attendance at our meetings. Thank you for your enthusiasm. We have been averaging 40-45 female physicians per meeting. We are delighted at your commitment to South Bay AMWA. For April, we have the topic of "Migraine Treatment with Botox" sponsored by Allergan. It will be on April 29, 2014, Viva's, Los Gatos.
For May, our speaker will be Dr. Joshua Jacobs. The topic will be Hereditary AngioEdema. The more we know, the more we can help our patients. Come learn about the latest treatment for this condition. The date will be May 14, 2014. We will meet at the Plumed Horse, Saratoga.
For June 18, 2014, we have Eliquis sponsoring the talk on "Anticoagulation" and we will convene at the California Cafe, Los Gatos. This will be the latest FDA approved indication for Eliquis and anticoagulation.
Don't forget to invite a friend and convince them to join our South Bay AMWA.
Gloria Wu, M.D.
President of South Bay AMWA
Ophthalmology and Retina-Vitreous, FAAO
Winter 2013 -2014
Dear Fellow South Bay AMWA members,
Happy Winter!
Our theme this year is Prevention! We will learn about stroke prevention and diabetic retinopathy.
For February, we have the topic of "Stroke Prevention" sponsored by Eliquis. It will be on Feb 27, 2014, Alexander's Steakhouse, Cupertino.
For March, our speaker will be Dr. Lawrence Morse, MD, PhD, University of California, Davis. The topic will be Diabetic Retinopathy. The more we know, the more we can help our patients. Come learn about the latest treatment for this condition. The date will be March 11, 2014. We will meet at the Plumed Horse, Saratoga.
See you then!
Gloria Wu, M.D.
President of South Bay AMWA
Ophthalmology and Retina-Vitreous, FAAO
Welcome 2014
Dear Fellow South Bay AMWA members,
I am honored to serve as the 2014 and 2015 South Bay AMWA president. My Vice President is Tripty Ghandhi, MD. We are committed to serving our membership and watching our numbers grow.
We have had a wonderful two years of astonishing popularity and growth under the Co-Presidents Dr. Anlin Xu and Dr. Maureen Khoo. Under their leadership, our monthly meetings became networking and educational extravaganzas. We all enjoyed practicing with the DaVInci Robot! Who can forget that?
This year, we invite all of you to participate and bring more prospective members to our meeting. We want all of us, as female physicians, to know one and another and become a "family." We, as an organization, want to provide networking events, educational lectures and just fun parties along the way.
As a female physician organization, we have a task ahead of us: to educate our patients and be a voice for our patients. 87% of healthcare searches on the Internet are done by women caring for their families; husbands, children, elderly parents. Thus, we play a substantial role in the delivery of healthcare in America. As a female physicians at South Bay AMWA, we can be empowered by knowledge through our monthly lectures, inspired by the work of our fellow colleagues and invigorated by the sharing of stories of the miracles of modern medicine! We have a great organization. We hope you will actively participate, think of joining our Board and start volunteering with us at South Bay AMWA for the planning of the activities of these next 24 months.
I am looking forward to a year of interesting lectures, fun social and networking events. This year, our theme is prevention. To this end, we will plan meetings around these topics.
Thank you!
Gloria Wu, M.D.
President of South Bay AMWA
Ophthalmology and Retina-Vitreous, FAAO
Come check out the archives of our newsletters, browse through the photo gallery, meet your board members, pay your dues and find out a date on the dinner lecture that you are interested in ahead of time. There are so many ways that you can use the South Bay AMWA website, and we welcome any suggestions on how to improve on the website to fit your needs. Please email your suggestions to