All pictures © 2014-2020 AMWA South Bay


Dear South Bay AMWA members and prospective members,

June 04, 2020

Dear SouthBay AMWA Members,

We want to express our sadness and condolences to the family of George Floyd. We want to express our solidarity with our fellow Americans in the protest of George Floyd's death.

As women physicians, in one of the most diverse areas in America,

We uphold the American Dream for all , as many of us are immigrants or children of immigrants;

We believe in the power of knowledge and ideas, science and medicine to change the world and defeat disease.

Today, we, as women physicians , must continue to work in our outreach to our most vulnerable, the children, the sick, the elderly, in this time of COVID19 and societal stress. Together, with our patients, we can help each other in this time of crisis.

Thank you for your membership.

(Please send in your dues…)

Thank you!

Sincerely yours,

Gloria Wu, MD and Anlin Xu, MD


South Bay AMWA is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to expanding the reach of women in our medical community. Our monthly meetings offer a great opportunity for networking as well as education. Membership dues are $175 for 1 calendar year.

Please feel free to contact us at with any questions you may have.

All the best,

Anlin Xu, MD

Gloria Wu, MD

Co-Presidents of South Bay AMWA


Amwa SouthBay Previous Announcements

  • May 2020
  • April 2020
  • January 2020
  • January 2019